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Playing the Game
Points on Anwering Questions
The High Scores
More Info
Playing the Game
After opening the program, select New Game… from the File menu, or press -N. You will then be prompted for the number of players for the game. The maximum number of players is 5, the minimum is 1. Then you will be prompted for the number of questions for the game. After that, each player is asked to enter his or her name before the game starts.
In the options menu, you can choose whether you want sound and/or speech. If speech is selected then the preceding questions will be read using the selected voice. Note that if you do not have the Speech Manager extension present then the Speech menu option will not be available.
Once a question is finished being presented, you can type in your answer. Click on the OK button or press Return to confirm your input. If the answer is correct, two points are awarded. A close answer is awarded one point, and there are no points given for a wrong answer. See below on "Points on Answering Questions".
Each player takes his or her turn answering a question. Once each player has answered the alloted number of questions, the points are tallied up and all the players are listed from best to worst according to points received.
If at any point you wish to quit the game, select Abort Game from the File menu, or press -W. Note that if you abort the game, all record of the game will be lost.
Points on Answering Questions
• Case does not matter when answering questions.
• For certain questions the number of words for the answer will be given. Sometimes there will be a range of words, such as "1 TO 3 WORDS". In this case it means that there is more than one possible answer, the answers ranging from 1 word at the least to 3 words at the most.
• For answers involving words (not numbers), an answer that has incorrect spelling with only a few mistakes will be deemed a close answer. Complete correct spelling is needed for a correct answer. For example, if a player responds "Iffel Tower" when the real answer is "Eiffel Tower", the answer is close. A response of "Iffle Tower" would have too many mistakes and would be wrong.
• For many answers involving numbers, a guess by the player can be close is all the digits are correct but the last one is wrong. For example, is the player responds "1959" and the real answer is "1956" then the answer is close. On the other hand, if the player responds the same but the real answer is "1960" then the answer is wrong.
The High Scores
To view the high scores, select View High Scores… from the File menu, or press -H. Once they start to scroll down, you can click on the window to speed up the scrolling. The high scores show 10 players for each separate number of questions. In many slots a player will not have been entered yet.
To clear all the high scores, select Reset High Scores from the File menu.
Problem: I have the Speech Manager extension installed but I still can't turn on Speech.
Solution: Besides Speech Manager, you also need the extension MacinTalk Pro and at least one voice installed.
Problem: I get the message "There is not enough memory available to continue operation."
Solution: Increase the Memory Requirements of the program. In the Finder, click on the program and open the Info dialog box by selecting Get Info from the File menu, or press -I. At the bottom right-hand corner of the Info box you will see the Minimum size and Preferred size for memory requirements. Increase the minimum memory size until the problem no longer persists.
Problem: During the game I get a message saying: "Question resource is corrupted. Indicates bad information in fields," and the program quits.
Solution: There are many ways to solve this, but it requires the use of ResEdit. First of all, make sure you've recorded the ID of the question. Open the trivia application in ResEdit. Select the "?rec" resource type. From there, select the resource with the recorded ID and delete it. Then, save the changed by pressing -S and quit ResEdit. Repeat the process for any other questions that may be corrupted as well. Make sure to contact the author of the game to report the problem.
More Info
To get information on how to create your own customized trivia game, download the Generic Trivia Editor's Manual at Generic Trivia's Web site